Admissions Enquiries: 020 7600 3805

Creative Arts

Art, Music, and Drama are an integral part of our well-rounded education

We believe that creativity is at the core of individuality, which is why Creative Arts play a key role in our curriculum and are further supported through co-curricular activities and clubs.

Through our teaching, we aim to empower pupils to think creatively, nurture self-confidence and express themselves.

Throughout the school day, pupils actively engage in various creative activities such as art, drama, dance, and school music groups. They also have the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of peripatetic music lessons.

Music & Drama

Our pupils benefit from weekly music and drama lessons taught by specialist staff. These dedicated sessions allow pupils to explore their artistic abilities and develop their creative skills.

Each year, all classes participate in a school production, providing pupils with opportunities to boost their confidence while engaging in theatrical experiences.

In Early Years, our pupils have the wonderful opportunity to attend London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) concerts, which allows them to explore the world of music and performance.

Throughout the year, we also host various external companies at our school to enhance our pupils' theatrical experiences and ignite their imaginations. These include the Little Angel Puppet Theatre and OperaEd, who provide them with an immersive experience in the world of opera.

Our Upper House host the prestigious Premier Performance in the stunning St Giles’ Church, Cripplegate. This event allows our pupils to showcase their talents, including singing, recitation, or playing musical instruments of their choice.

We offer private music lessons in a variety of instruments, including:
Flute Clarinet
Recorder Piano
Saxophone Singing

Meet us in person

Come and see our fantastic school in action during an Open Event or Nursery Viewing Day. We can promise you a warm welcome to Charterhouse Square School.

Our commitment to artistic expression extends to the visual arts

All our pupils benefit from weekly art lessons, which are taught by either specialist staff or their class teachers. Our Creative Studio opens up a world of possibilities for pupils to explore various artistic mediums, including clay, papier mâché, pastels, charcoal, glass/silk painting. These art lessons are often linked to topic work, like creating letter illuminations when studying the Medieval period or crafting 3-D robot creations while reading 'The Iron Man.'

Our Art Club is highly popular among our pupils, offering them the chance to develop skills like sewing or observational drawing.

We believe in providing our pupils with exposure to the rich world of art beyond the classroom. They have the opportunity to visit local galleries such as The National Gallery and The Tate, where they can appreciate and draw inspiration from some of the world's most remarkable collections of paintings.

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Enquiries :02076 003805