Lower House: for children aged 5 - 8
We combine high academic standards with superb pastoral care to give our children the confidence and ability to succeed.
Our broad curriculum is designed to give all of our children a thorough grounding in the core subjects of Literacy and Numeracy as well as the Arts, Humanities and Sport.
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Exploring the natural world, children are provided with ample opportunities for inquiry outside the classroom. With a solid foundation in the subject, they begin to develop their understanding of fair testing and how to plan their own investigations.
A cherished subject, where children learn to use a range of media and techniques to create 2D and 3D masterpieces. Art sessions enhance current topic learning, and children explore the lives and works of a diverse range of artists, encouraging them to develop their own artistic preferences.
Our music lessons are filled with smiling singers as children develop their appreciation and understanding of different music genres. In the Rainbow Room, each child also participates in weekly recorder lessons.
With specialist teaching, children learn to express themselves through movement, building on their understanding of music and rhythm. Individual, paired, and group routines foster resilience and teamwork in a highly energetic setting.
PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education)
Using the Jigsaw PSHE scheme of learning, our lessons foster a mindful and secure environment. Through six key themes, children learn to value themselves, build positive relationships, and celebrate diversity.
Exploring mime, movement, Shakespeare, and more, our children become eloquent and expressive performers. A Christmas nativity, historical comedies, and traditional tales with a twist provide a platform for each class to showcase their talents.
Covering both physical and human aspects of geography, children begin to explore the features of their local area as well as the colourful continents of the world, building practical map skills and a deeper appreciation of diverse cultures.outside the classroom. With a solid foundation in the subject, they begin to develop their understanding of fair testing and how to plan their own investigations.
Focusing on both modern and ancient history, children explore the lives of influential figures, delve into ancient civilisations, and learn about significant events from the past. Museum visits, workshops, and themed dress-up days bring our topics to life.
Taught entirely in Spanish, children learn a range of descriptive vocabulary and common greetings through music, movement, and storytelling.
Underpinned by discussions on media wellbeing and online safety, our children learn how to use a variety of devices to take pictures, record data, type, and create code. Our 1:1 pupil devices are introduced in the Rainbow Room (Year 3) to further integrate computing into the curriculum.
RE (Religious Education)
Each class is taught the key principles of various faiths, focusing on deities, places of worship, and special festivals. Children are encouraged to embrace diversity and develop an understanding of beliefs that may differ from their own.
With a wide range of sporting activities on offer, children embrace exercise as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Using offsite venues in the local area, they engage in skills-based lessons that prepare them for competitive team sports. From the Blue Room (Year 2) onwards, children also participate in swimming lessons, building both proficiency and confidence.
Literacy and communication
Cultivating a range of reading and writing skills.
As a school, we adopt a text-based approach to Literacy, thoroughly exploring books linked to topics to enable children to immerse themselves in the text and write for a range of purposes.
Oracy is at the core of our curriculum, enabling children to engage in discussions and debates, encouraging them to think critically and ask thought-provoking questions. Opportunities for individual presentations further help them develop their speaking and listening skills in front of their peers.
Literacy lessons are supplemented with phonics and spelling sessions plus individual reading with class teachers. Fine motor skills are developed through discrete weekly handwriting lessons and are reinforced through extended writing projects.
As children progress through the school, early grammatical concepts are taught with a continued focus on spelling rules. Children also begin to engage in whole class reading sessions with a focus on emerging comprehension skills.
Problem-solving and fundamental skills.
In Maths, all pupils study pure and applied mathematics, covering topics such as number and algebra, shape, space, and measures, as well as data handling, following the White Rose scheme of learning. White Rose Maths helps children build a strong conceptual understanding by incorporating concrete objects, pictorial representations, and abstract thinking. This inclusive approach provides ample opportunities to consolidate key topics, fostering a mastery of the curriculum that encourages children to explore the ‘why’ behind mathematical concepts.
Mathematical fluency is the foundation of everything we teach in the Lower House. Children have specific lessons focused on developing fluency in the four operations. This journey begins with a review of number bonds in the Yellow Room (Year 1) , progressing to times tables in the Blue (Year 2) and Rainbow (Year 3) Rooms.